Callery Borough Police Jail, Pennsylvania
Unfortunately, I don't have enough verified information to provide a detailed guide about the Callery Borough Police Jail in Pennsylvania. Small local police jails often have limited public information available. For the most accurate and up-to-date information about this facility, it's best to contact the Callery Borough Police Department directly.
Contact Information
Callery Borough Police Department
145 Graham Street
Callery, PA 16024
Phone: (724) 538-4438
For specific inquiries about inmate information, visitation policies, or other jail-related matters, please reach out to the Callery Borough Police Department using the contact information provided above. They will be able to assist you with the most current and accurate details about their detention facilities and procedures.
General Advice for Local Police Jails
While specific information for the Callery Borough Police Jail is not available, here are some general points that often apply to small local police jails:
- Holding times are typically short, often less than 72 hours.
- Visitation policies may be limited due to the short-term nature of confinement.
- For longer detentions, inmates are usually transferred to larger county facilities.
- Policies on phone calls, money transfers, and personal property can vary significantly between facilities.
- Always call ahead to confirm current policies and procedures before visiting or attempting to contact an inmate.
Remember, for the most accurate and up-to-date information, it's crucial to contact the Callery Borough Police Department directly.