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Why Did Jeremy Meeks Go to Jail?

18 Jun 2023, Celebrities, by

Discover the shocking truth behind the infamous mugshot that went viral and made Jeremy Meeks a household name.

Why Did Jeremy Meeks Go to Jail? - Inmate Lookup

Jeremy Meeks is a name that became synonymous with the term “hot felon” after his infamous mugshot went viral on social media. But before his rise to fame as a model, Meeks had a long and troubled criminal history that landed him in jail.

The Infamous Mugshot That Launched a Career

The mugshot that made Meeks famous was taken in 2014 after he was arrested in Stockton, California. He was charged with multiple felony counts, including weapon possession, gang membership, and violating parole.Despite the severity of the charges, it was Meeks’ striking looks that caught the attention of social media users around the world. Within hours of the mugshot being posted online, it had gone viral, and Meeks had become a sensation.

Meeks’ sudden fame led to a modeling contract with White Cross Management, and he quickly became known as the “hot felon.” He made his runway debut during New York Fashion Week in 2017, walking for designer Philipp Plein.

Since then, Meeks has continued to pursue a career in modeling and acting, appearing in campaigns for brands such as Tommy Hilfiger and appearing in films such as “True to the Game 2.” He has also used his platform to advocate for criminal justice reform, speaking out about his own experiences with the justice system and calling for change.

Early Life and Criminal Background of Jeremy Meeks

Jeremy Meeks was born on February 7th, 1984, in Tacoma, Washington. He grew up in a tough neighborhood and quickly became involved in gang activity.Meeks’ criminal history began at a young age when he was arrested for robbery at the age of 18. Over the years, he was arrested numerous times for crimes including grand theft auto, burglary, and assault with a deadly weapon.

Despite his troubled past, Jeremy Meeks gained notoriety in 2014 when his mugshot went viral on social media. Dubbed the “hot felon,” Meeks’ striking looks and chiseled features caught the attention of modeling agencies. After serving time in prison, Meeks was released and began a successful career as a model, walking in fashion shows for high-end designers and appearing in campaigns for major brands.

The Arrest That Changed Everything

Meeks’ most significant arrest came in June 2014 when he was stopped by police while driving in Stockton, California. During a routine search of his car, officers found a loaded gun and arrested him on weapons charges.It was this arrest that led to Meeks’ mugshot being taken and subsequently going viral on social media. His good looks and chiseled features captured the attention of people around the world and turned him into an overnight sensation.

However, Meeks’ newfound fame was not without controversy. Many criticized the media for glorifying a criminal and objectifying him based on his appearance. Others argued that Meeks’ past criminal record should not be overlooked, and that he should not be celebrated as a celebrity.

Despite the backlash, Meeks capitalized on his viral fame and pursued a career in modeling and acting. He has since walked in fashion shows for high-end designers and landed roles in movies and TV shows. Meeks’ story serves as a reminder of the power of social media and the unpredictable nature of fame.

Jeremy Meeks’ Rise to Internet Fame

After his mugshot went viral, Meeks became an internet sensation, with people from all over the world commenting on his looks and sharing his picture on social media. Within a few days, he had become a household name and had landed a modeling contract with a top agency.Meeks’ new-found fame brought him opportunities that he had never experienced before. He walked in high-profile fashion shows, appeared in fashion campaigns and magazine covers. He even landed a small role in the film “True to the Game.”

Despite his success, Meeks’ rise to fame was not without controversy. Some criticized the media for glorifying a criminal, while others questioned the fairness of Meeks’ sudden success compared to other models who had worked hard for years to make it in the industry. Meeks himself acknowledged his past mistakes and expressed gratitude for the second chance he had been given.

Legal Troubles and Conviction: What Happened Next?

Despite his success as a model, Meeks’ legal troubles continued. In July 2017, he was arrested and charged with DUI (Driving Under the Influence) in Stockton, California.Later that year, Meeks was sentenced to two years in prison for the 2014 weapons charges. His modeling career was put on hold as he served his sentence behind bars.

During his time in prison, Meeks made headlines again when he was released early for good behavior in March 2018. He was met with a swarm of paparazzi and fans upon his release, and his modeling career quickly picked up where it left off. Meeks signed with a new agency and walked in several high-profile fashion shows, including New York Fashion Week.

However, Meeks’ legal troubles were not over yet. In September 2019, he was sued by his ex-wife for child support and custody of their son. The case was settled out of court, but Meeks was ordered to pay a significant amount in child support each month. Despite these challenges, Meeks continues to model and has even ventured into acting, with a role in the 2020 film “Trigger Point.”

Life in Prison: Inside Jeremy Meeks’ Incarceration Experience

During his time in prison, Meeks kept a low profile and stayed out of trouble. He focused on his health, worked out regularly, and even studied to become a personal trainer.Meeks was released from prison in March 2019 and quickly resumed his modeling career. He has since modeled for top brands and appeared in music videos and films.

Meeks has also used his platform to advocate for criminal justice reform. He has spoken publicly about the need for rehabilitation programs and education opportunities for inmates, as well as the importance of second chances for those who have served their time. Meeks has become a vocal advocate for change within the criminal justice system and continues to use his experiences to bring attention to these issues.

From Inmate to Model: The Surprising Turnaround Story of Jeremy Meeks

Despite his rocky past, Meeks has managed to turn his life around and make a name for himself in the fashion industry. His rise from an inmate to a model is a true rags-to-riches story that has inspired many.Meeks’ success serves as a reminder that everyone deserves a second chance and that it’s never too late to turn your life around.

Meeks’ journey to success was not an easy one. He grew up in a rough neighborhood and got involved in gang activity at a young age. He was arrested multiple times for various crimes, including grand theft and illegal firearm possession. However, during his last stint in prison, Meeks decided to turn his life around and focus on his passion for modeling.

After his release, Meeks was discovered by a modeling agency and quickly gained attention for his striking looks and chiseled physique. He has since walked in numerous fashion shows and has even landed a few acting roles. Meeks has used his platform to advocate for criminal justice reform and to inspire others who may be struggling to overcome their past mistakes.

The Impact of Social Media on Jeremy Meeks’ Story

Meeks’ story is a prime example of the power of social media. His viral mugshot turned him into an overnight sensation and gave him the platform he needed to launch his modeling career.Without social media, Meeks’ story might have been very different, and he may never have had the opportunity to turn his life around.

Furthermore, social media also played a crucial role in Meeks’ personal life. After his mugshot went viral, he received numerous job offers and even marriage proposals. However, it was through social media that he connected with his current wife, Melissa Meeks. The two met on Instagram and eventually got married, with Melissa standing by Jeremy’s side throughout his legal troubles and career endeavors.

The Future of Jeremy Meeks’ Career and Personal Life

As of today, Meeks continues to model and enjoys a successful career in the fashion industry. He has also taken steps to clean up his personal life, including getting a divorce from his ex-wife and starting a new relationship.Only time will tell what the future holds for Jeremy Meeks, but one thing is for sure – his story is far from over.

Despite his success in the fashion industry, Meeks has expressed interest in pursuing other career paths. He has mentioned wanting to explore opportunities in acting and has even landed a few small roles in independent films. Additionally, Meeks has expressed a desire to use his platform to give back to his community and has been involved in various charitable endeavors.

On the personal front, Meeks has been open about his struggles with addiction and has sought help to overcome it. He has also been working on rebuilding relationships with his family, including his children from his previous marriage. Meeks has stated that he is committed to being a positive role model for his children and hopes to inspire others who may be going through similar struggles.