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why did bobby brown go to jail

18 Jun 2023, Celebrities, by

Discover the reasons behind Bobby Brown’s time in jail in this informative article.

why did bobby brown go to jail - Inmate Lookup

In the late 80s and early 90s, Bobby Brown was a rising star in the music industry. Born in Boston in 1969, he got his start in the music world as a member of the boy band New Edition. As a solo artist, Brown’s career really took off with the release of his album “Don’t Be Cruel” in 1988. However, despite his initial success, Bobby Brown’s life was marked by a series of personal problems and legal troubles.

Bobby Brown’s Early Life and Career

Born into a musical family, Bobby Brown started performing at a young age. He joined the R&B group New Edition in 1980 at the age of 11. The group enjoyed a lot of success in the 80s with hits like “Cool It Now” and “Mr. Telephone Man”. However, Brown’s desire for a solo career eventually led him to part ways with the group in 1986.

After leaving New Edition, Bobby Brown released his debut solo album “King of Stage” in 1986. The album received mixed reviews and did not perform well commercially. However, Brown’s second album “Don’t Be Cruel” released in 1988, was a massive success. It sold over 12 million copies worldwide and produced hit singles like “My Prerogative” and “Every Little Step”. Brown became a major R&B star and continued to release successful albums throughout the 90s.

Bobby Brown’s Personal Life and Relationships

Throughout his career, Bobby Brown’s personal life was often in the spotlight. He was married to Whitney Houston from 1992 to 2007, and their tumultuous relationship was widely publicized. Brown struggled with drug addiction and was arrested several times for drug-related offenses. He also had a reputation for being volatile and was involved in various altercations with fans, paparazzi, and fellow celebrities.

Despite his troubled personal life, Bobby Brown has also had positive relationships. He has five children, including Bobbi Kristina Brown, who tragically passed away in 2015. Brown has been open about his love for his children and his desire to be a good father. In addition, he has been in a long-term relationship with Alicia Etheredge since 2007, and the couple married in 2012. They have three children together and have been supportive of each other through Brown’s struggles with addiction and other challenges.

The Beginning of Legal Troubles for Bobby Brown

Bobby Brown’s legal troubles began in the early 90s. In 1992, he was arrested for DUI (driving under the influence) and sentenced to community service and probation. He was arrested again in 1993 for allegedly hitting his wife, Whitney Houston, but the charges were later dropped.

However, Brown’s legal troubles did not end there. In 1996, he was arrested for possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to probation and community service. In 2002, he was arrested again for DUI and pleaded guilty to the charges. He was sentenced to eight days in jail and ordered to attend an alcohol treatment program.

Unfortunately, Brown’s legal troubles continued to escalate. In 2003, he was arrested for misdemeanor battery after allegedly hitting his girlfriend at the time. He pleaded no contest and was sentenced to probation and community service. In 2012, he was arrested for DUI again and sentenced to 55 days in jail. Brown’s legal troubles have had a significant impact on his career and personal life.

Bobby Brown’s Arrest Record: A Timeline of Offenses

Over the years, Bobby Brown was arrested numerous times for various offenses. In addition to the DUI and domestic violence charges mentioned above, he was also arrested for assault, drug possession, and parole violations. Here is a timeline of his arrest record:

  • 1989: Arrested for assaulting a man in a nightclub
  • 1994: Arrested for drug possession and DUI
  • 1996: Arrested for assault after allegedly hitting a man with a car
  • 2000: Arrested for drug possession and parole violation
  • 2002: Arrested for DUI
  • 2003: Arrested for misdemeanor battery
  • 2004: Arrested for DUI
  • 2005: Arrested for drug possession and DUI

Despite his numerous arrests, Bobby Brown has also had a successful music career. He was a member of the popular R&B group New Edition and later went on to have a successful solo career. Brown has also appeared on reality TV shows, including “Being Bobby Brown” and “The Houstons: On Our Own.” In recent years, he has focused on his sobriety and has been open about his struggles with addiction.

The Specific Charges That Led to Bobby Brown’s Jail Sentence

Bobby Brown’s most recent stint in jail was in 2019. He was sentenced to 55 days in jail and four years of probation for DUI and driving with a suspended license. According to court records, Brown was pulled over in Los Angeles in 2012 and was found to be driving with a blood-alcohol level of .12 percent, which is above the legal limit.

In addition to his DUI and driving with a suspended license charges, Bobby Brown has had a history of legal troubles. In 2003, he was arrested for misdemeanor battery after allegedly hitting his wife at the time, Whitney Houston. He was also arrested in 2006 for possession of marijuana and driving without a license. Brown’s legal issues have been well-documented throughout his career in the entertainment industry.

The Trial and Sentencing of Bobby Brown: What Happened in Court?

Bobby Brown’s trial for DUI and driving with a suspended license took place in February 2013. He pleaded no contest to the charges and was sentenced to 55 days in jail and four years of probation. Brown was also ordered to complete an 18-month alcohol treatment program and attend three Alcoholics Anonymous meetings a week during his probation.

During the trial, it was revealed that this was not Brown’s first DUI offense. In fact, he had been arrested for DUI twice before, in 1996 and 2012. The judge took this into consideration when handing down the sentence, stating that Brown had not learned from his previous mistakes and needed to take responsibility for his actions.

After serving his jail time, Brown was released in April 2013. He successfully completed his alcohol treatment program and probation, and has since been working on his sobriety. In a statement released after his release from jail, Brown expressed remorse for his actions and thanked his family and fans for their support during this difficult time.

Bobby Brown’s Time in Jail: What Was It Like?

Bobby Brown served his 55-day sentence in the Los Angeles County Jail. Although he kept a low profile during his time behind bars, a source close to the singer said that he was “humbled” by the experience. Brown reportedly spent his time reading and exercising.

According to reports, Brown also participated in a rehabilitation program while in jail, which focused on substance abuse and anger management. The program was said to have had a positive impact on Brown, who expressed a desire to continue with his sobriety and personal growth after his release. Brown’s time in jail was a difficult period for him, but it also provided an opportunity for him to reflect on his life and make positive changes.

How Did Bobby Brown’s Incarceration Affect His Music Career?

Bobby Brown’s legal troubles have undoubtedly had an impact on his music career. His most recent album, “The Masterpiece,” was released in 2012, shortly before his DUI arrest. Since then, he has not released any new music. However, he has continued to perform live and has even appeared on reality TV shows like “The Masked Singer.”

Despite his legal troubles, Bobby Brown’s music continues to be celebrated by fans around the world. His influence on the R&B and hip-hop genres is undeniable, and his music has inspired countless artists. Brown’s personal struggles have also been documented in his music, with songs like “My Prerogative” and “Every Little Step” addressing his past mistakes and triumphs. While his incarceration may have temporarily halted his music career, it has not diminished the impact he has had on the industry.

Reflections on Bobby Brown’s Legal Troubles: Lessons Learned

Bobby Brown’s life and career have been marked by both success and struggle. His legal troubles serve as a cautionary tale about the dangers of substance abuse and the importance of getting help when facing addiction. Despite his many obstacles, Bobby Brown remains a beloved figure in the music world and a testament to the power of perseverance.

In conclusion, Bobby Brown’s journey to jail was a long and winding road marked by personal struggles, legal troubles, and societal pressures. His story teaches us the importance of seeking help and support when we need it the most, and the consequences that we must face when we fail to do so.

It is important to note that Bobby Brown’s legal troubles also shed light on the flaws in the criminal justice system, particularly in regards to the treatment of Black men. Brown’s experiences with the law highlight the need for reform and the importance of addressing systemic issues that disproportionately affect marginalized communities. As we reflect on his story, we must also acknowledge the larger societal issues at play and work towards creating a more just and equitable system for all.