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Krystle Burrell faced sentencing for smuggling contraband at Rikers Island Jail

23 Nov 2023, Jail News, by

Former NYC correction officer Krystle Burrell sentenced to 29 months for accepting bribes to smuggle contraband into Rikers Island jail

Krystle Burrell faced sentencing for smuggling contraband at Rikers Island Jail - Inmate Lookup

Krystle Burrell, a former New York City correction officer, received a 29-month prison sentence for accepting bribes and smuggling contraband into Rikers Island jail. Prioritizing personal interests over the safety of both inmates and other officers

Burrell, employed at the NYC Department of Corrections, aided co-defendant Terrae Hinds in bringing drugs and phones into Rikers Island’s Anna M. Kross Center. Accepting nearly $10,000 in bribes, he collaborated with Hinds to extend the contraband scheme to the federal Metropolitan Detention Center, where Hinds was detained.

Expressing concern about the impact of public corruption on the safety and security of the city’s jails, United States Attorney Breon Peace highlighted that Burrell’s sentence is a reminder that correction officers engaging in smuggling activities will face serious consequences. The effort between the New York City Department of Investigation and the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Eastern District of New York aims to eliminate contraband smuggling in the city’s jail system.

Emphasizing the importance of preserving order and safety in the city’s jails, Commissioner Jocelyn E. Strauber underscored that Burrell’s actions endangered individuals under her care and fellow officers, sending a clear message that officers misusing their positions of trust will face accountability.

Displeased by Burrell’s blatant abuse of her authority, NYPD Commissioner Edward A. Caban emphasized that bringing contraband into correctional facilities not only undermines security but also poses a threat to residents and officers responsible for their safety.

Assistant United States Attorney Philip Pilmar is leading the prosecution in the case against Krystle Burrell, which is being handled by the Office’s Public Integrity Section. Terrae Hinds, Burrell’s co-defendant, has admitted to bribing Burrell and is yet to receive his sentencing.

This sentencing reinforces the fight against contraband smuggling in city jails and the dedication to justice system safety.
