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how to use prison video call

21 Jun 2023, Prisons, by

Learn how to use prison video call to stay connected with your loved ones behind bars.

how to use prison video call - Inmate Lookup

If you have a loved one who is incarcerated, you know how important it is to stay in touch with them. In this day and age, with technology being so readily available, video calls have become increasingly popular as a way to communicate with inmates. In this article, we will explore the ins and outs of using prison video calls, from their importance to the benefits, setup, preparation, and troubleshooting. Read on to find out everything you need to know about using prison video calls to stay connected with your loved one.

Why prison video calls are important

Prison video calls are an important aspect of communication between inmates and their loved ones. They allow for face-to-face communication, which can help reduce the feelings of isolation and loneliness that many inmates experience while in prison. Video calls also provide a sense of normalcy, as they allow loved ones to see the inmate in their normal environment and interact with them in ways that phone calls and letters cannot.

In addition to the benefits for inmates and their loved ones, prison video calls can also have positive effects on the prison system as a whole. By allowing for more frequent and meaningful communication between inmates and their families, video calls can help reduce the likelihood of recidivism. Studies have shown that inmates who maintain strong connections with their families while in prison are less likely to reoffend upon release. Additionally, video calls can help reduce the need for in-person visits, which can be time-consuming and costly for both the prison system and families.

Benefits of using prison video calls

There are many benefits to using prison video calls. For one, they can save loved ones time and money by eliminating the need for travel to the prison. Video calls are also a convenient way to communicate, as they can be done from the comfort of your own home. Additionally, video calls provide a level of security as they mitigate the risk of contraband being brought into the prison.

Another benefit of using prison video calls is that they can help maintain family connections and relationships. Incarceration can be a difficult and isolating experience, and video calls can provide a way for families to stay connected and support each other. Research has shown that maintaining family relationships during incarceration can have positive effects on both the incarcerated individual and their family members, including reducing recidivism rates and improving mental health outcomes.

How to set up a prison video call account

Setting up a prison video call account is relatively easy. The first step is to check with the prison to see which provider they use for video calls. Once you know which provider to use, visit their website and create an account. You will then need to add funds to your account, which will be used to pay for the call. After that, you can schedule a call with your loved one and connect at the designated time.

It’s important to note that there may be restrictions on the types of devices that can be used for prison video calls. Some providers only allow calls to be made from a computer or laptop, while others may allow calls to be made from a mobile device. Additionally, there may be rules about what can and cannot be discussed during the call, so it’s important to familiarize yourself with the prison’s policies before scheduling a call.

Tips on how to prepare for a prison video call

Preparing for a prison video call is crucial to ensuring a successful and enjoyable experience. One of the most important things you can do is to check your equipment and internet connection beforehand to prevent any technical issues. You should also dress appropriately and choose a quiet location where you will not be interrupted during the call. Lastly, make sure to have a list of topics to discuss and any questions you may have prepared ahead of time.

It is also important to be aware of the rules and regulations surrounding prison video calls. Make sure to familiarize yourself with any restrictions on topics of conversation or behavior during the call. Additionally, be respectful of the prison staff and follow their instructions during the call. By being prepared and following the rules, you can ensure a positive experience for both yourself and the person you are communicating with.

Common issues faced during prison video calls and how to resolve them

There are several common issues that may arise during a prison video call, such as poor audio or video quality, connectivity problems, or scheduling errors. To resolve these issues, it is important to troubleshoot the equipment, check the internet connection, and communicate with the provider if needed. Being patient and flexible is also key, as issues may take some time to resolve.

Another common issue that may arise during prison video calls is the lack of privacy. In some cases, other inmates or prison staff may be able to overhear the conversation, which can be uncomfortable or even dangerous. To address this issue, it is important to choose a quiet and private location for the call, and to use headphones or earbuds to minimize the risk of others overhearing.

In addition, it is important to be aware of the rules and regulations surrounding prison video calls. Some prisons may have specific guidelines regarding the length of the call, the number of participants allowed, or the types of topics that can be discussed. It is important to familiarize yourself with these rules and to follow them carefully to avoid any potential issues or consequences.

How to make the most out of your prison video call time

To make the most out of your prison video call time, it is important to stay focused and engaged throughout the call. Ask your loved one about their day-to-day life, share updates about your life, and use the opportunity to reinforce your connection. It is also helpful to have activities planned, such as online games or quizzes, to make the call more interactive and enjoyable for both parties.

Another way to make the most out of your prison video call time is to use it as an opportunity to discuss important matters, such as legal issues or upcoming court dates. This can help you stay informed and up-to-date on your loved one’s situation, and can also provide a sense of comfort and support during a difficult time.

Additionally, it is important to remember that prison video calls are not a substitute for in-person visits. While they can be a valuable way to stay connected, they do not provide the same level of intimacy and physical contact as face-to-face interactions. It is important to continue to make efforts to visit your loved one in person, if possible, and to maintain other forms of communication, such as letters and phone calls.

Alternatives to prison video calls and when they might be useful

While prison video calls are a popular and convenient way to communicate with inmates, there are other alternatives that may be useful in certain situations. For example, in-person visits may be necessary for more intimate conversations or longer visits, while phone calls may be better suited for shorter conversations or when video call equipment is not available.

Another alternative to prison video calls is written correspondence, such as letters or emails. This can be a more personal and thoughtful way to communicate with an inmate, as it allows for more time to reflect on what to say and can be kept as a physical record. However, it may not be as immediate as a video call or phone call.

In some cases, alternative forms of communication may be necessary due to technical difficulties or security concerns. For example, if the prison’s video call system is down or if there is a risk of the call being intercepted, written correspondence or phone calls may be the only options available. It is important to consider all alternatives and choose the best method of communication based on the specific circumstances.

Security measures in place during prison video calls

Security is a top priority during prison video calls, and providers have strict measures in place to ensure safety for all parties involved. These measures may include screening visitors, monitoring calls, and enforcing rules around behavior and language during the call. It is important to follow all rules and regulations set forth by the prison and provider to maintain a safe and secure environment.

In addition to these measures, some providers may also use encryption technology to protect the privacy of the call. This means that the call is scrambled and can only be accessed by authorized parties, ensuring that sensitive information is not intercepted by unauthorized individuals. It is important to inquire about the security measures in place before scheduling a prison video call to ensure that your privacy and safety are protected.

How to troubleshoot technical problems during a prison video call

If you experience technical problems during a prison video call, the first step is to check all equipment and internet connections. If the issue persists, contact the provider for support. It may also be helpful to troubleshoot issues beforehand by familiarizing yourself with the equipment and testing everything before the call.

Another helpful tip is to ensure that you have a stable internet connection. If your internet connection is unstable, it can cause disruptions during the call. You can try moving closer to your router or using an ethernet cable to improve your connection.

If you are still experiencing technical difficulties, it may be worth considering alternative video call options. Some providers offer different types of video calls, such as web-based calls, which may be more reliable than traditional video calls. It is also important to remember that technical problems can happen, and it is not always within your control. Be patient and try to work with the provider to find a solution.

Best practices for maintaining privacy during a prison video call

Privacy is important during prison video calls, and there are several best practices that you should follow to ensure confidentiality. For example, use a private location for the call and avoid discussing sensitive or personal information that could be overheard by others. It is also important to ensure that the call is not being recorded or shared without your consent.

Another important best practice is to make sure that you are the only person visible on the screen during the call. This means that you should avoid having other people or objects in the background that could reveal sensitive information or compromise your privacy. Additionally, it is recommended that you use a secure and reliable video conferencing platform that has encryption and other security features to protect your privacy.

Finally, it is important to be aware of your rights and to advocate for them during the video call. This includes the right to end the call at any time if you feel uncomfortable or if your privacy is being violated. You also have the right to file a complaint if you believe that your privacy has been compromised during the call. By following these best practices and being aware of your rights, you can help ensure that your privacy is protected during prison video calls.

Frequently asked questions about using prison video calls

Here are a few frequently asked questions about using prison video calls:

  • Are prison video calls secure?
  • What equipment do I need for a prison video call?
  • How much do prison video calls cost?
  • Can I schedule a prison video call in advance?
  • What should I do if I experience technical issues?

Providers and prisons will have different answers and policies in place to address these common concerns.

Prison video calls can be an invaluable tool for staying connected with your loved ones while they are incarcerated. By following best practices for setup, preparation, and troubleshooting, you can ensure a successful and enjoyable experience for both parties. Use this information to make the most out of your prison video call time and strengthen your bond with your loved one.

It is important to note that not all prisons offer video call services. Before attempting to schedule a call, make sure to check with the specific facility to see if they offer this option. Additionally, some prisons may have restrictions on the frequency or duration of video calls, so it is important to be aware of these policies before scheduling a call.