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how many years did mendeecees get in prison

16 Jun 2023, Prisons, by

Curious about how long Mendeecees Harris, the reality TV star, was sentenced to prison? Our article provides all the details on the number of years he received and the circumstances surrounding his case.

how many years did mendeecees get in prison - Inmate Lookup

Mendeecees Harris, a reality television personality, was sentenced to eight years in prison after pleading guilty to drug trafficking charges in 2015. The charges stemmed from his involvement in a drug trafficking ring that operated between 2005 and 2012.

The Charges Against Mendeecees Harris

According to court records, Mendeecees was involved in a drug trafficking operation that shipped cocaine and heroin from New York City to Rochester, New York. Mendeecees and his co-conspirators reportedly used a variety of means to transport the drugs, including hiding them in crates of baby clothes.

In addition to the drug trafficking charges, Mendeecees was also accused of engaging in sexual acts with a minor. The victim, who was 15 years old at the time, testified that Mendeecees had sexual intercourse with her multiple times. Mendeecees denied the allegations, but was found guilty and sentenced to prison.

After serving his sentence, Mendeecees became an advocate for criminal justice reform and started a non-profit organization to help formerly incarcerated individuals reintegrate into society. He also appeared on the reality TV show “Love & Hip Hop: New York” and has been involved in various business ventures.

The Trial and Sentencing of Mendeecees Harris

After being arrested in 2013, Mendeecees initially pleaded not guilty to the charges against him. However, he later changed his plea to guilty in exchange for a reduced sentence. During his sentencing hearing, Mendeecees stated that he was “embarrassed and ashamed” of his actions and apologized to the court and his family.

As part of his plea deal, Mendeecees was sentenced to 8 years in federal prison for his involvement in a drug trafficking ring. He was also ordered to pay a $170,000 fine and forfeit all profits and assets gained from his illegal activities. Mendeecees began serving his sentence in January 2016 and is scheduled to be released in November 2020.

The Impact of Mendeecees’ Sentencing on His Family

Following Mendeecees’ sentencing, his family, including his wife Yandy Smith and their children, have been vocal about the impact it has had on their lives. In a 2016 interview with BET, Yandy spoke about the challenges of raising their children without their father and the toll it has taken on their family.

Additionally, Mendeecees’ absence has also affected his extended family, including his parents and siblings. In an interview with VH1, Mendeecees’ mother expressed her sadness over not being able to see her son and how difficult it has been for her to cope with his absence. His siblings have also spoken out about the impact of his sentencing on their family dynamic and how they are working to support each other during this difficult time.

The Reaction of Fans and the Public to Mendeecees’ Prison Sentence

Mendeecees’ sentencing generated significant media attention, with many fans and members of the public expressing their support or disappointment in the outcome. Some have criticized the justice system for sentencing Mendeecees to eight years, while others have praised the decision as a necessary consequence of his actions.

Additionally, Mendeecees’ family and friends have also spoken out about the sentencing, with some expressing their sadness and others offering words of encouragement. Many have also expressed concern for Mendeecees’ children and how they will cope with their father’s absence. Despite the mixed reactions, it is clear that Mendeecees’ sentencing has had a significant impact on those close to him and on his fans and supporters.

How Mendeecees is Adjusting to Life in Prison

Since beginning his sentence, Mendeecees has remained relatively private about his experiences in prison. However, in a 2016 letter he wrote to his fans, he acknowledged the difficulty of being away from his family but also expressed his determination to make the most of his time in prison by focusing on personal growth and education.

According to sources close to Mendeecees, he has been taking advantage of the educational programs offered in prison and has even been teaching some classes himself. He has also been working on his physical fitness and has been participating in various sports leagues within the prison. Despite the challenges he faces, Mendeecees is said to be maintaining a positive attitude and is determined to come out of prison a better person.

The Possibility of an Early Release for Mendeecees

Despite his eight-year sentence, there is a possibility that Mendeecees could be released early. In 2018, his lawyer filed a motion requesting that his sentence be reduced based on his exemplary behavior and participation in rehabilitation programs while in prison. However, as of 2021, there has been no update on the status of this request.

It is important to note that early release is not guaranteed, and the decision ultimately lies with the judge overseeing Mendeecees’ case. Factors such as the severity of the crime and the impact on the victims will also be taken into consideration.

In the meantime, Mendeecees has been using his platform to advocate for criminal justice reform and to raise awareness about the challenges faced by those who are incarcerated. He has also been working on personal growth and development, and has expressed a desire to use his experiences to help others who may be going through similar struggles.

The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Mendeecees’ Time in Prison

Like many inmates across the United States, Mendeecees has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Inmates in prisons have had limited access to visitors and programming, and have faced increased risk of contracting the virus. To date, there has been no update on how Mendeecees has been impacted by the pandemic.

However, reports suggest that the pandemic has caused significant disruptions to the prison system, including delays in court proceedings and early releases for some inmates. It is unclear if Mendeecees will be eligible for early release due to the pandemic.

In addition to the health risks and disruptions caused by the pandemic, Mendeecees may also be facing mental health challenges due to the isolation and uncertainty of his situation. Many inmates have reported increased anxiety and depression during the pandemic, and it is important to consider the impact of these factors on Mendeecees’ well-being.

How Mendeecees’ Legal Troubles Have Affected His Career and Public Image

Since his sentencing, Mendeecees’ legal troubles have had a significant impact on his reality television career and public image. While he has continued to make appearances on the show Love & Hip Hop, his role has been limited. Some fans have expressed disappointment in him, while others have continued to show support for him and his family.

Aside from his reality television career, Mendeecees’ legal troubles have also affected his personal life. He has been separated from his family and children for extended periods of time due to his incarceration. This has taken a toll on his mental and emotional well-being, as well as his relationships with his loved ones.

However, Mendeecees has also used his experience to become an advocate for criminal justice reform. He has spoken out about the flaws in the system and the need for change. He has also used his platform to encourage others who may be going through similar situations to stay strong and keep fighting for justice.

The Larger Issue of Mass Incarceration and Its Impact on Communities

Mendeecees’ case is one of many that highlights the ongoing issue of mass incarceration in the United States. The over-reliance on imprisonment as a means of addressing social and criminal issues has had a devastating impact on communities, particularly communities of color. While Mendeecees’ case is unique, it is part of a larger conversation about the need for more just and equitable approaches to criminal justice.

In conclusion, Mendeecees was sentenced to eight years in prison after pleading guilty to drug trafficking charges. His case has generated significant media attention and has had a significant impact on his family, career, and public image. While there is a possibility of an early release for him, his case highlights the ongoing issue of mass incarceration and the need for more just and equitable approaches to criminal justice.

According to the Prison Policy Initiative, the United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world, with over 2.3 million people currently behind bars. This has not only led to overcrowded prisons and strained resources, but it has also had a ripple effect on families and communities. Children of incarcerated parents are more likely to experience poverty, homelessness, and mental health issues, while communities with high rates of incarceration often face economic and social challenges.